Tuesday, January 14, 2014

My Everyday Outfit

Hi!Its been a long time i have not updated about anything.Today I want to talk about my everyday outfit.Style in my opinion is a something or a magical thing that can replaced with any word by describe about me.I love something 90's.So i have chose the grunge outfit.
Grunge 90's flannel shirt   

Black Creepers 

And the most important,Dark lips and makeup!MUahh

Friday, July 6, 2012


Sebenarnya dah lama saya nak melatih diri dalam menggunakan perkataan dan kosa kata yang betul,memandangkan umur saya sudah meningkat dewasa,apabila difikirkan kembali dan diimbas selama ini saya menggunakan penggunaa kata yang tidak sempurna -_-.Jadi dengan pantas  saya mengambil tindakan supaya mencuba menggunakan bahasa melayu dengan sebaiknya..bak kata guru ''Bahasa Jiwa Bangsa'' :D walaupun its look awkward but i will try my best!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

i Love Green/Blue/Purple!!

Hey actually dh lame ak nk gtau yang ak ni mmg minat dan pakar tentang fashion.Baru-baru ni ak asik je shopping window ad la jgak membeli tapi tidak kesemuanye.. so ak pon pegi lah surf internet and search picture yang berkaitan dengan tajuk di atas tu!So what are we waiting for?Lets see it!
Tengok ni!Tgok ni!its GREEN!Go Green!!
Green again!credit to tuan punye pic ni..ur shoes its so cute!Hehe
Perfect green shoes match with green cardigan which also green colour..:P
Cute huh?
Owh this is my fav green pants one of my collection gallery but i'm not too crazy to wear this all green outfit
its kinda cute for children but for adult its look like err..more like..'nurse in US x pon bju pesakit kat hospital Malaysia ni..
Then we go to 'purple zone'!
comel x?
Then match with fits cardigans,
pkai cardigan mengikut shape akan memberi illusion untuk anda yang mahu kelihatan tinggi
hehe tapi ingat seluar hitam tau!bkan ap untuk mngelakkan anda nmpak mcam
errr..more like..hurm  sort of..nothing! PEACE 
ok now we go to blue zone!
if u realize it kinda sexy blue mix with perfect platform brown!
owh bentuk nye seakan perempuan yang shekkshi kan?
Lastly,err actually this platform shoes its already non of this tittle rite?
hehe bkan sye buta warna tapi cume kasut platform ni comel sangat!
Kenalkan name dye cherry!
Ok!ini sahaje untuk 'santapan'hari ini..i hope my post will inspired u!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

More spongeBob SquarePants!!

Aku pon tak tau la kenape aku 'terpanggil' nak post tentang spongebob but the important is i'm addicted to SpongeBob..Apalah yang istimewa tentang spongebob ni..haih...You are already know that answer!!Because he is adorable!!

1st,His eyes..Awww
Cute huh?
His Cute Face..ouch!!*melting*
His Expression..Erg..what is he thinking?Blue?noob!
But the most cutest thing is..SpongbobTeeth!!
I Heart U!! <3